Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SEED group

I was selected to be apart of a SEED group, not sure what it is, but I'm excited because it sounds like the beginning of something great!  I'm thankful for leadership that recognizes others who are interested in collaborating in these types of innovative groups.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

African Proverb

"I hear, I forget, I see, I remember, I do, I understand."  

The kind if knowledge we need, is the kind of KNOWING that comes through experience.  It is what gives someone the assurance they need in life, "I have what it takes".  It comes with a combination of adventure and hard work.  The kind of knowing that David had, when he showed up and said he would go against Goliath. Was he being arrogant?  No.  He had experience slaying bears and lions, and he knew God was with him (Fathered By God-Eldredge, 2009).

Of course now I am seeing this 'ginosko' everywhere.  I have been reading Fathered By God, just for light reading and BAM, there it is!!!  I am excited about where this kind of mindset will take me.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My First Blog EVER!

My pastor introduced our Bible study group the word "ginosko", knowledge, as it is used in 2 Peter, chapter 1.  See below the definition from the source,

gnósis: a knowing, knowledge

Cognate: 1108 gnṓsis (a feminine noun derived from 1097 /ginṓskō, "experientially know") –functional ("working") knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience, connecting theory to application; "application-knowledge," gained in (by) a direct relationship. See 1097 (ginōskō).
1108 /gnṓsis ("applied-knowledge") is only as accurate (reliable) as the relationship it derives from.

Gnosis, ginosko...What a word! That's the kind of knowledge I desire for my students to have!  I am acquiring "ginosko" about blogging right now!  I hope that's correct Greek :).  Anyway, I'm excited about my first blog, and the name!.  What a gift we can give our students, a knowing kind of knowledge, not just head knowledge, firsthand experience!